Thursday, October 25, 2012

How to make a candle holder from jars II.

All what you need is:
- scissors
- wire
- decoupage glue
- paint brush
- napkins
- wands

Cut the motives from the napkins, and stick them to the jars with decoupage glue. 

As the glue is drying, make the basic from the wands.

 Tie up the wands with wire, and make sure 
three times about the basic is strong enough.

Make hangers to the jars, and hang them up to the basic.

Now hang it up, and enjoy :)

How to make Halloween coasters from lolly sticks?

How to make Halloween coasters from lolly sticks?

All what you need is:
- lolly sticks
- glue
- acrylic paint, paint brush

Take the lolly sticks next to each other, and stick two of them prependicular

When the coasters are dry, you just need to paint them.

Happy Halloween!

Pumpkin- carving ideas for Halloween

Pumpkin- carving ideas for Halloween

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

How to paint faces for halloween?

Step by step - Zombie

Paint the whole face for light blue. 

Take some pink paint to the area around the eyes and cheekbones.

Take your paintbrush with some pink, correct the eye area, and paint some pink lines around the face.

Paint the mounth with a bit stronger color. 

Paint the pink lines with black too, take 
some pipe like a barbed wire, and paint around the mouth. 

Don't forget the cute zombie make - up :)           

Step by step - Vampire

Paint the whole face for white, and put some shadow with black around the face, the eyes and cheekbones. 

Paint with black some eyebrow effect. 

Now take your paintbrush, and paint the mouth with red, and carry out the contours of vampire teeth too.  

Finish the eyebrow with black, and paint around the tetth too. 

If you are painting a boy, use more shadows, or you can paint long eyelash for girls. 

Step by step - Pumpkin

Paint the whole face for orange.

Now take your brush, and paint the eyes.

Paint the contour of the mouth, and fill it with a same color, expect the teeth. 

Paint every contour with black, and fill the teeth with it.

Put some wavy line with black to the forhead and chin. Paint some black perpendicular lines between the wavy lines. 

Now your face is ready, you can put some shadows around the eyes, and decorate the face more with leafs. 
